OK, I am not at
all happy about this. This diet is way too hard to be having a stall in the first week. Well, here's what they DON'T talk about so much with this diet: You will have high levels of
frustration (if you don't lose despite putting in a serious effort),
impatience (time doesn't seem to move quickly enough), and
boredom (there's only so many ways to prepare these foods, not to mention that eating and food are such
social affairs--you have to kiss that good bye for awhile).
I will say that I have not had hunger over the past day or 2. Seemed like on day 6 my hunger went away and stayed there.
Also, last night I did have an extra helping of the 100 grams of meat while I was cooking my chicken last night; I just gobbled up one of my 100-gram servings as I was putting my chicken in their little single-serving bags. I wasn't even HUNGRY; I was just SO BORED. So, I can't
totally be surprised. But I still AM surprised because I still am only eating like no more than 650 calories a
day. I know that I'm not showing enough patience here, but I'm only human, so I won't beat myself up over it.
I knew that I shouldn't but I got ANGRY at the scale this morning and I decided to "go off" the diet (for the moment) and I had an apple fritter with a coffee that had 1/3 cup of whole milk in it (I'm enjoying that cup as we speak, heehee--and strangely enough, I'm DONE with it after sipping 1/4 of it. It is making me too full and I'm actually going to go switch to some clear TEA.
Maybe I AM changing??!!!!). It was almost a "planned cheat" because I KNEW I was heading straight for the donut shop as soon as I saw my weight this morning. I even still brought my chicken, my orange, my melba toast, & my greens to work with me. So I am NOT going to chuck this, but I just got upset and angry and decided I wanted my sugar, bread and milk/coffee. They say that the foods that are your "go to's" are the ones your body is most affected by in negative ways. So, if I am a sugar / carb addict, then So Be It, I'll work with it, I'll keep going on this diet, I'll work to change it. I'm gonna need a plan of action to deal with the Boredom, the Impatience, the Frustration, and the Isolation Factor. If anyone has any suggestions I am here with open ears!!